Adding a variable from an array to another index's co-existing variable

not exactly the same topic but here is a question i cant figure out. i have bullets in a clip. each have a different value for effecting damage weight accuracy and range. But when i pick up the clip i want it to have a total weight using the values inside the array. with out using one weight and multiplying by the index.
(0) damage=.3 weight =.04 recoil effect=.21 range= 1.6
(1) damage=.4 weight =.05 recoil effect=.35 range=2.1
(2) damage=.35 weight= .44 recoil effect=.28 range 1.8

the clip has its own weight variable that would be added to this as well. which we could just say is .85 units
so “total weight” =.04+.05+.44+.85 how do i do this using and array?

Put the bullet data into a struct. Store the struct on the bullet as an instance editable variable (so you can change the values per bullet). Put the bullets into an array on the Clip BP. Have the Clip BP “for each loop” through the bullet array, pull out the individual struct variable and from there pull out the weight, add the weight values together by creating a new variable to keep track of “total weight”. This variable can be defaulted to the weight of the clip, thus adding bullet weight to clip weight to get total clip weight with bullets loaded.