Blueprint setted variable didn't set in C++

Hello everyone! So, about the problem.
I has variable that declared in C++ code, below you can see it.

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
		TArray<TSubclassOf<UUserWidget>> Slots;

Then, i set value in Blueprint Defaults or just set with Set node (Blueprint child of C++). After that i trying to call from Blueprint function that also decared in C++, and that function used variable above. But instead of using setted blueprint value, its used internal C++.

// UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) void ... ;
       void UWidgetSwitcher::SetActiveWidget(int32 Index) {
        	 if (Index >= 0 && Index <= Slots.Num()) // Here Slots was read with C++ value, not setted in BP
     {      . . . .   }  }

How can i set that value in Blueprint and let that work in C++ with Blueprint value setted in? I dont want to create&transfer each call value from BP direct to function.
Like that:

   void UWidgetSwitcher::SetActiveWidget(int32 Index, TArray<TSubclassOf<UUserWidget>> SSlots;) {
    	 if (Index >= 0 && Index <= SSlots.Num()){….}

Can you post a screenshot of the Blueprint you are using? Maybe there is something wrong with that.

I’m sorry for taking so long to answer.
Here part of BP & C++ code. From other C++ file, but with same problem.

void UMatch3Instance::SaveProgress() {
	USaver * SaveGameInstance = Cast<USaver>(UGameplayStatics::CreateSaveGameObject(USaver::StaticClass()));
	SaveGameInstance->PlayerBase = PlayerBase;
	SaveGameInstance->PlayerShip = PlayerShip;
	SaveGameInstance->PlayerStock = PlayerStock;
	UGameplayStatics::SaveGameToSlot(SaveGameInstance, TEXT("Slots"), 0);

void UMatch3Instance::InitializeProgress() {
	 USaver * LoadGameInstance = Cast<USaver>(UGameplayStatics::LoadGameFromSlot(TEXT("Slots"), 0));
	if (LoadGameInstance != NULL) {
		PlayerBase = LoadGameInstance->PlayerBase;
		PlayerShip = LoadGameInstance->PlayerShip;
		PlayerStock = LoadGameInstance->PlayerStock;
	else {

That is true. Glad you found it.

And looks like a found the problem.
Problem was in C++ Variables where i tried to write in it.

If you want to write from Blueprint var to C++ you may sure ALL youre vars that working with it has UPROPERY() with or without BlueprintReadWrite.