Jump animation not working correctly after re-importing the animation

I have attached 2 video links of a character jumping. You see the video with the character in “grey”? Here is the link down below:

[link text][1]

His jump is perfect. After we added a new 3D model into the game. We needed to re-import that same jump animation to attach it to new 3D model—the video with the character in white. Here is the link down below:

[link text][2]

Both models are using the same exact skeleton, but you notice that when the character jumps—white model, he jumps higher and past the height of the screen height. What could be causing this? The only thing that was changed was simple re-importing the jump animation I have tried everything but cannot come to a solution. Please help me. Thanks. I have pictures from the animation blueprint, persona, etc…

Event Graph:

Anim Graph:


Does the jump animation move the character vertically in the content creation program you used to make t?
If so is the character’s Root Motion turned on? Either or both of those might do it.

Hello! Thank you so much for responding. Yes, the jump animation is moving vertically. I believe the root motion is on. How can I verify? Please provide images. Thank you

sorry i am not near my computer. i am on my phone. The root motion option I think is in the Pawn class, details pane. you can use the search bar at the top of the pane to find a checkbox whose name has “root” in it.

Also If you are not using root motion to move the character by the animation’s offset, I recommend NOT moving the character vertically in the imported animation and let the game engine do the jumping by moving the whole actor.

It’s okay. I am not using root motion at all. I en-abled it, but no resolution. When you state not moving the character verticallly with the imported animation but let the game engine do it, I am alittle lost by the logic of that. If the character jumps by pressing the ‘a’ button from an idle animation—character standing—his animation would need to change as well. Can you please clarify? Thank you

I mean if the animation before importing to Unreal shows the character flexing his legs and then straightening them that’s fine, but if it shows him also rising 20 feet into the air and then coming back down, then the jumping is actually in your animation data instead of the engine doing it, and my recommendation is to just keep his jumping motions of his body without actually translating the location of his body in the animation, and rather, have the engine move his Actor up and down.
My understanding of Root motion is that it moves the Actor in the World by the animation data translating the Root Bone of the character’s skeleton. So turning that off can resolve problems with animations moving the character around and up and down in the world when you don’t want it to.

Oh okay! I see. Thank you so much. Question, are you available to do freelance Programming or UE4 blueprint scripting?

Not currently (no time left because of working on my own projects), but I’d consider it later on when my current game project is done (which hopefully will be before next year).