Server Travel

Hello, when the server of the session travels to a different map, I want all the clients that were in the previous map to travel to the new map and still be in the same session. How can I achieve this using blueprints?

There’s two ways, but the one I know is to set your Project settings to use Seamless Travel (Maybe it’s in the Game Mode details, I don’t remember).

This will result in some events not firing, such as OnPostLogin, because the players never disconnected, so if your logic relies on those, you’ll need to find another way to trigger certain things that normally happen when a player joins.

Also you will have to use a command line execution node to open the level,

rather than the normal Open Level node.

See this: How to use ServerTravel in Blueprints? - Multiplayer & Networking - Unreal Engine Forums

And of course, read the official documentation: