My engine crashes after compiling C++ Code

Hi, made the start of pickup script, when I finished making a simple script that made the pickup disappear when the player touched I compiled the code and the project crashed and I could not enter my project again. I tried version 4.18, but the same thing happened, if anyone can help tell me what is the problem. Here is the error:


Sadly I can’t get back in to the project

I won’t speak for anyone else, but I get crashes like the one you are describing its because I’ve made a mistake. I’m not saying that you did, but ensure that you code is correct… Also, if you go into Visual Studio and comment out all of the code, recompile your code, can you go back into your project?

I will install the symbols sorry about that I will do what you said, I don’t have the symbols because I have a new Computer and need to download everything again, but that is not an excuse I will install the symbols and reupload an image if the problem keeps happening. Thank you .

link text

This error is useless and tells nothing. First of all as a C++ devloper oyu need to install debug symbols to the engine (you can find them in install options), otherwise you won’t know where crash happened, this error actully even inform you about it.

2nd you need if you have a crash you need to go to Saved/Logs of oyu project and crash information should be there, if log is cut that means it a hard crash due to call on nullptr or invalid pointer.

3rd run your project with Virtual Studio debugger, it will point you to line which cause the crash, but ofcorse you need those debug symbols first

What said… Although, what I meant was inside of Visual Studio, comment out the code, and then recompile… then run the project. But, SR is the best idea.

This is the error that appears

Run your project through visual studio and you will see exactly where error happens in code.

From the file provided the error happens in line 53 of ShapeComponent.cpp.

FBoxSphereBounds UShapeComponent::CalcBounds(const FTransform& LocalToWorld) const
	check( false && "Subclass needs to Implement this" );
	return FBoxSphereBounds();

This unfortunately is part of the engine code.

As far as I can tell the last piece of your code called is the constructor of your APickUp.

Check if their collider component is initialized correctly. Check for zero radius or scale.

Cheers and Happy coding :slight_smile: