Re targeting/Pose Issue

Hey guys,

So I am currently using the FPS System from the marketplace to create 4 mini games for a personal project, however the last thing I need to do in order to complete this project is to replace the mannequin mesh with a ‘human’ mesh.

It turns out the the creator used his own custom rigging and animations in 3ds max but used the UE4 mannequin to do so, you can download the 3ds file here:

I’m pretty new to the rigging/animation side of things as I have always used assets that were rigged using the epic skeleton so have never had any problems, I have managed to get the re targeting to work but its not 100% exactly like the custom rigged asset. He is using a T pose and the arms I am using are in the A pose, so I was able to turn the A pose into a T pose but its not exactly the same pose as the custom rig is there any way I can get the posses to match up 100% as I feel like this is the reason for them only matching up 95% or if there is any way I can use the 3ds file to do this? I’m really new to 3ds and blender but it sounds like it could be a ‘simple’ process but have no idea where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated and if I can not do this myself I am willing to hire someone to do this for me.

Hope this was explained well enough to understand.

Thank you for your time.


you might need to change the retarget data on the bones for the skeletons before retargeting the animations. this might help Updated Unreal how to retarget first person arms and third person skeleton correctly - YouTube