How to grab a mug using animated hand package from Marketplace

I downloaded this animated hand models from Animated First Person Hands Pack in Characters - UE Marketplace
I have added them to my RealisticRendering project (from learn section in UE4).
I have the following objectives:

  1. use the currently available animations in the package (like grab or hold) and grab an item (in here I want to grab either the white bowl or red Epics mug).
  2. create a new animation.

I have done the following AnimBP but the speed does not show. I wonder what is not connected in between.
Additionally, I am not sure how to approach writing the Blueprint for objective 1 (grabbing the mug).

Currently, I have dragged the idle hands animation (which I had changed the texture and selected the male hand model) to the Room.umap of the RealisticRendering project.


I assume the AnimBP I made is not connected to the idle hands. I do not know how to connect it. Has anyone downloaded this FP hand package and guide me?

Also, in the folder structure you see, the IBFPSHands and FirstPersonBPIronBelly are the folder related to the animated hand project.

In the first image that you see, I was able to move fingers separately by changing the transform but how can I do this in a blueprint and also move fingers randomly with meaningful moves?