Get selected characters in Editable text box

Hi, I’m trying to get the content of the selected text in an Editable text box. In this expemple I could get that 5 is selected and use that in blueprint (or C++)


I want to be able for the user to select a number and change is value with up/down arrows. Here selecting the 5 and pressing the up arrow would change it in 6, then 7, etc. Any suggestions ?

Thanks !

i don’t know what is it used for, but does it have to be an editable box?
I can’t think of a way to do this with editable box.
You could to it using a button with text on in. But every digit will need its own button.

When you hover mouse over the selected button it changes the integer.

Now in your player blueprint you get the Int from HudBP and change another Int inside playerBP.

And finally create binding for the text in youd hud to get the Int from playerBP

And it looks like this:


I hope that helps.

Thanks for helping out ! That’s a pretty good idea but I need it to be an editable box so the user can also write a random number (the user is able to set XYZ coordinates of an actor with it)

Right now the best workaround I can think of is to have up and down buttons next to the text field and if the user presses the up button it changes the integer, up button + shift changes the first float and up + alt changes the second integer) I could also have up/down button for each number but that’s a lot of buttons…

Ok. So maybe do something like this:


Make 3 editable text boxes. When player enters the number save it as Int. Make some indicator below the boxes and make it that you “move” it left and right.( it doesn’t have to actually move, make 3 of them and change their visibility) It will show which number the player is editing right now.
And change the current Int with up and down. Then send it back to the editable box with some kind of bind.

Yeah seems like a good idea. Thanks for the help !