Filtering in EQS for Variables on Actors

Is there a way to filter in EQS for Variables on Actors (in code or blueprint)? I have some Powerup actors with a cooldown variable and id like to filter for ready or near ready cooldown values. A hacky way to do it would be to spawn an custom class and destroy it when the cooldown is over and filter for it but it sounds not like this would be the right way to do it. Is there a good solution for this?

Going to check something similair using a eqs context BP as the type to generate within my query instead of a class. Hopefully I can filter in the context which gets all character actors and filter them based on team etc then use this as the generator type instead of getting all characters. You could do something similair returning a set of actors from a context after checking a variable and set the context in ur gen. Not sure tho xp

Never mind, mis-read document. Was hoping to generate set of contexts.

I managed to accomplish something close to what you’re trying to do. I do use EQS to filter out the all actors in a radius based on class type and store the best-scoring values in an array in my Blackboard. I then run some custom with a Service on that Blackboard array to filter out the first available entry that matches my requirements.

It’s a shame we still can’t insert a custom filter into the EQS system.