[Feature Reqest] Interface filter support

I like using Blueprint Interfaces because they decouple the Blueprints and seem to speed up compile time.

However they aren’t as easy to use as types for example:

GetAllActorsWithInterface - very inefficient because it has to loop over all actors!

SphereOverlapActors - doesn’t support interface filter

FilterArray - doesn’t support interfaces


Would be really nice to have more support for filtering based on Interface.

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Hi cgrebeld,

Thank you for your feedback, we will take this into consideration.

Is this still being taken into consideration? As many times as I tried, using the UInterfaceClassName class when a method takes a UClass* filter class, does not work. Such as if I had a interface named, “UGameplayActor”, and my classes inherit from “IGameplayActor”, using “UGameplayActor::StaticClass()” for the filter class, such as in GetOverlappingActors(), will return nothing. But if I leave out the filter class, and then iterate the list of overlapping actors, then typecast into my “IGameplayActor” interface class, then I have results. I’m currently using UE 4.9.0

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