ReplicationMovement bug UE 4.20

Why does not the owner pawn replicate, and others replicate?

Video "ReplicationMovement" bug UE 4.20.0 - YouTube

Sample project

If you enable replication of the cube component, it starts to move, but, it does it very badly.
It used to be better, here is an example from 4.18.2, the logic is similar Replication Movement 4.18.2 - YouTube


We’ve recently made a switch to a new bug reporting method using a more structured form. Please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Feel free to continue to use this thread for community discussion around the issue.


Case # 00022893: ReplicationMovement bug UE 4.20 has been received

The bug is registered in the system and is considered by the developers, we are waiting for correction.
Please vote Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-62345)

I can guess thats this all breaks inside PhysicsReplication.cpp ( atleast for physics simulated actor?) because when i am trying it on dedicated server with single client ( while FRepMovement ReplicatedMovement is synced properly) it never reaches this line with " OwningActor->Role == ROLE_SimulatedProxy ", and IT IS when i am in 2 player mode (Simulating_Proxy is present ). As a result function ApplyRigidBodyState never gets called on the Owner.

     void FPhysicsReplication::OnTick(float DeltaSeconds, TMap<TWeakObjectPtr<UPrimitiveComponent>, FReplicatedPhysicsTarget>& ComponentsToTargets)
// Some Code

        				AActor* OwningActor = PrimComp->GetOwner();
        				if (OwningActor && OwningActor->Role == ROLE_SimulatedProxy)	//TODO: can we avoid the replication all together?
        					// Get the ping of the guy who owns this thing. If nobody is,
        					// then it's server authoritative.
        					const float OwnerPing = GetOwnerPing(OwningActor, PhysicsTarget);
        					// Get the total ping - this approximates the time since the update was
        					// actually generated on the machine that is doing the authoritative sim.
        					// NOTE: We divide by 2 to approximate 1-way ping from 2-way ping.
        					const float PingSecondsOneWay = (LocalPing + OwnerPing) * 0.5f * 0.001f;
        					// force update if simulation is sleeping on server
        					//if ((UpdatedState.Flags & ERigidBodyFlags::Sleeping) && BI->IsInstanceAwake())
        					//	UpdatedState.Flags |= ERigidBodyFlags::NeedsUpdate;
        					if (UpdatedState.Flags & ERigidBodyFlags::NeedsUpdate)
        						const bool bRestoredState = ApplyRigidBodyState(DeltaSeconds, BI, PhysicsTarget, PhysicErrorCorrection, PingSecondsOneWay);

//Some Code

Yes, it seems you are right.

I am having this same issue as of version 4.20

Yes, we are all eagerly awaiting 4.21 release, patience is a virtue.

I confirm, the problem is solved, thank you all for your support =)