Disable HMD movement but keep rotation

Desired Outcome: Camera can turn on the spot with HMD but not able to move from the spot(As though you are strapped into a chair and you can only turn your head)

Ok so here’s my problem so far.

  1. I put the camera Lock to Hmd to FALSE and put Use Pawn Control Rotation to TRUE.
  2. My motion controllers are then in the wrong spot compared to where my camera is.
  3. The axis for the motion controllers to rotate on are different to the one the camera has. Meaning when I look around with my motion controllers in my real hands, the hands that belong to the motion controllers end up inside my body mesh.

I need help with this. been driving me mad all weekend. How do I make it so that I cannot move the camera up and down or left and right but still be able to rotate the camera without making the motion controllers go all haywire???

did you ever solve this? I’m having a similar issue. I’ve got a player “hiding” in something. But when I do this, I have two issues:

  1. Looking around with HMD false, and PCR true is fairly sickening (and I don’t usually get VR sick).

  2. the controllers aren’t moving the hands at all anymore. In my case I have a full body avatar and I’m using the motion controller transforms to drive the hand location.

I know this thread might be dead, but I have you found any solution to this problem?