Line trace stops at camera clipping plane?


So, newbie here (duh) but, I am playing around with the concept of a top down game where the playable character is on the ground and my camera is further up in the sky looking down at an angle, and my goal is to have the character always facing were the mouse is in the world, meaning the mouse is the characters aim in Y & X, but not Z.
So I set off by trying to use the “Convert mouse location to world space” node with some (not much) success. I also added the “line trace by channel” node to draw out where the mouse was, just to let me know that this first step was correct, and then attach my characters rotation to whatever it hit.

Now this is were my issue arised. To me, the logical step would be to have the camera as a start for the trace, and the converted mouse location as my end of the trace, because I am looking through the camera (trace start) and I want to know the end of where the mouse is (aim). However, this only traces from the camera location, to what seems to be the camera clipping plane. Meaning, if I eject and go close to the camera, I can see the tracing, but the tracing stops right in front of it, but I want it to keep tracing down into the ground. So how to I set this up?

Thanks to all in advance!

Solved it, and the character rotation, by doing this (in case anyone else is wondering the same thing):