How do i project pawn camera visual to in game pawn monitor output.

I can easily imagine how to make still image camera output for security cams, - snap a picture, get that to mesh and done. I also sort of know how to use possess pawn command to gain temporary sight of what pawns might be seeing, but i was wondering if there is a way to real time connect what is happening on cam to a security monitor - suppose there are 40 cams in lobby and there is a room with those 40 monitors where a player would be able to see what is on them when things are happening.

I think it would be extremely neat to have that tool just imagine you make a small device that can hook up to several selected cams, you flip it open on part of the hud (like say left arm pad or something) and gain intel. Like say you set up a bomb with manual trigger you have your left arm holding up selected cams for you and the right one for switch rather then changing full sight.

In same line of thinking how do i display a movie on a mesh? Like say a monitor running a commercial, i can understand hooking up the sound but visual? No clue.

This is not something essential, its just ‘luxury’ sort of thing id like to have.

To show realtime rendered stuff on a mesh (such as viewed from a Camera actor or component), use Render Targets (there are tutorials for that).

To show and play a video as a material, use Media textures (I think that’s what they’re called. there are tutorials for that too, including official Epic video tutorials). There is a difference in how these are set up starting with version 4.18 I think.