Variables reset after OnConstruction()

Hello, so I have a Node like structure within my Actor class (not a USTRUCT), during OnConstruction I build a tree structure by parsing an XML file using FastXml. However, after OnConstruction, everything has been reset and the tree structure is completely gone, I need to use it during the game, is there anyway to keep my structure after OnConstruction?

I looked up online if the structure is a USTRUCT and outside the Actor class it could be viewed in the editor, and it won’t disappear, but my Node structure also has other structure as a member, I got really confused which one should add UPROPERTY or others. And when I put the structure outside the class I got an error in Visual Studio that the members are inaccessible.

UCLASS()class BLANKCPP_API AVRurdfRobot : public AActor{ GENERATED_BODY() - The Node structure name is “FurdfNode”, and it has two structure as member “FurdfJoint” and “FurdfLink”