Jump Animation Glitch

Hi, i need your help, when i jump the mannequin use the animation but if i spam space bar when he land, he will jump but with no animations.
Someone Could Help me?

these are my codes, I have no landing animation, is this the problem?

Sounds like you are controlling whether the animation plays via a boolean variable and it’s getting set or cleared incorrectly because of making a change to the variable when it shouldnt be allowed to. Show us your code for both playing the animation and how you control whether it can be played

It seems that the landing animation hasn’t ended yet, the animation of walking/running/standing hasn’t yet started, and of course you have no transition from landing animation to jumping animation. You can maybe set the transition from the landing animation to start a bit earlier, so that when you jump again, the active animation is walking/running/standing still.
Just a thought, maybe that’s not the case.

These are the nodes fo playing animations

I think 0.1 seconds is too little for the transition, the transition itself takes some time. Try using a Time Remaining (ratio) nod instead, or just give it more time. like .3 seconds maybe?

How long is your Jump animation? What does your character do when jumps off high cliffs or something? I believe in your case while falling the animation transitions back to Idle/Run, and since the character is still falling, transitions to Jump again? I would recommend adding falling and landing animations, but it’s up to you.

Thanks, I resolved adding a landing and fall animation, and also modifying time in the node.