"CollisionEnabled" setting of camera does not allow me to use AddForce

Hello, apologies in advance if it’s a really trivial question, but i have found answers nowhere.
My objective is to apply a force to my Static Mesh, which has a camera with a spring arm attached, like so:

If i try to add the force with a simple piece of code like this:

Fvector test.Z = 0.42*900.81;

I get a warning saying: “DronePawn_2.StaticMeshComponent_0 MatineeCam_SM has to have ‘CollisionEnabled’ set to ‘Query and Physics’ or ‘Physics only’ if you’d like to AddForce.”

Of course the physics, collision of the mesh and gravity are enabled.

Now, I understood that I have to change the collision settings either of the camera or the spring arm, but i haven’t seen anything in them that fixed the issue.
The only available settings are “Can ever affect navigation”, which is off and “Do collision test” which is also off.

If i delete the camera the force is applied correctly.
Am I missing something? Note that the neither the camera or the spring arm have scripts or blueprints associated to them.

Bumping hoping someone sees it.