
i have this promble with my bttask made from blackboardbase and i named it bttask_movetoenemy but it tells me Successfully added class ‘BTTask_Movetoenemy’, however you must recompile the ‘weaponX’ module before it will appear in the Content Browser. Failed to automatically hot reload the ‘weaponX’ module.

how do i fix that?

As it say hot reload failed, so close editor, open VS project if you don’t have it open (sln file in your project directory) and then compile (this should clear all hot reload trash and build module normally) and then open the project.

Hot reload is not 100% perfect it was made to shorten time on checking quick changes, but it still a lot more reliable to build you code with editor closed and load module normally. If you see any “it should be there” situation then it is most likely hot reload issue. If you find any reproducible (not random) hot reload bugs, raport them so hot reload can be improved.