UnrealEngine compatibility with OpenGL

I can only imagine UnrealEngine built using OpenGL. And even though I’m not sure it is made using OpenGL I really don’t know any other way of making a program like this one, so… What kind of support does it allow for OpenGL ?

Or to be more precise… How and it which cases can I use OpenGL in my code ?

PS: I tried to use GLColor3f and GLColor4f instead of FColor, but it didn’t work. Maybe because I need to include something ? What ? I want to know !

Unless you are modifying the engine itself, you do not touch the low level stuff directly. That is, for rendering or input handling, you must try to do it through the Unreal Engine framework. The framework handles the low level stuff and calling the actual OpenGL or DirectX calls. GLColor3f is an OpenGL construct and Framework funcitons wont accept that.

So if you are not modifying your engine, you should stick with what the Engine framework has given you, in this case Fcolor

Well thanks I guess. I’ll post another question about the framewrok because I don’t want to mix 2 questions in one.

Keep in mind that my answer is only applicable if you are trying to build a normal multi-platform game using UE4. But, if you are working on a plugin or a game custom built and optimized for a particular platform, you need to work with lower level APIs. But I think you will need to compile from the engine source. But its better to get a second opinion.