Unreal Engine 4.20, Visual Studio 2017 shows loads of errors

Just recently came back to Unreal Engine and didn’t got much further than creating a basic project (Using the Top Down Code Template).

The problem is, Visual Studio underlines way to many macros and member variables to really work on a project. Just to be clear, I can build the project and play it just fine, it’s just that all that red irritates me.

As you can see, my error list is empty, but Visual Studio underlines the GENERATED_BODY() macro. The problem I’m more concerned about is the one regarding the #include “HeavenmoreCharacter.generated.h”, it says (In german, roughly translates into: “The file “source” cannot be opened"HeavenmoreCharacter.generated.h”.") “Die datei “Quelle” kann nicht geöffnet werden: “HeavenmoreCharacter.generated.h”.”

If it where only macros I could just ignore it, though it would still not be great to look at. But it also regularly underlines normal member variables, claiming they can’t be accessed (I guess it’s because the generated header file could not be included?):

The output also doesn’t seem out of the ordinary (2 successful):

I’ve already searched on google, but couldn’t fix it with those answers, including:

  • deleting the solution file and .vs, binaries, intermediate and saved folders, then generating the project files and rebuilding it, didn’t help
  • reinstalling Visual Studio/Unreal Engine, didn’t help (installed the desktop and game development c++ workloads, as well as the .net)
  • Installed the UnrealVS Extension, didn’t help

I really don’t know what causes this, as this was working fine before I tried out Unity.
I am thankful to every help you can give me.

I’ve read that too, and it does appear to work, but it just seems strange to me that it worked for me before but now isn’t. Hoped I’m just dumb and there’s an obvious error on my part^^. That means my only way to get rid of those “errors” is to disable IntelliSense?

I have read before that unreal engine is too heavy that intelj of visual studio may fail in some point to show correctly .

so , most of this errors u can ignore safely as long as it compile inside the engine without troubles .

I heard such an advice like that

Just got around testing it in version 4.19, and everything works just fine there, so it seems like a bug with the new version. Thank you anyway for your answer


So I’m not the only one. Voted!

Even though this is an old post the correct and working solution is to disable or set to “suggestion” “Macros in skipped browsing region”

Tools > Options Text Editor > C/C++ > View > Macros in skipped browsing region → set to suggestion

This will of course work only for macros, for other intelisense errors consider using precompiled headers.

For more information read these articles: