C++ Android Address

Hi, I don’t know why my code run in the editor but when I package game for the Android platform, I encounter an error and program close automatically.
Actually, I want to use my blueprint Player Controller and Character instead of the static class of it so I tried to address BP but failed(in Android).
Anyone can help me to solve it.
Thanks in advance.


	UClass* PlayerControllerBPClass = LoadObject< UClass >(nullptr, TEXT("/Game/Blueprint/MainPlayer/MyPlayerControllerBP.MyPlayerControllerBP_C"));

	if (PlayerControllerBPClass)
		PlayerControllerClass = PlayerControllerBPClass;

	UClass* CharacterBPClass = LoadObject< UClass >(nullptr, TEXT("/Game/Blueprint/MainPlayer/MainCharacterBP.MainCharacterBP_C"));

	if (CharacterBPClass)
		DefaultPawnClass = CharacterBPClass;

What error messages do you find in the packaged build while running android monitor with the device plugged into your computer?

Just a simple android error " unfortunately application has stopped " also there is no log info about the error.

Any idea?

I just disabled “don’t include editor content in the build” so my problem fixed.
I think it’s a bug.

I just disabled “don’t include editor content in the build” so my problem fixed.
I think it’s a bug.