Things stop working

Hello! My Inventory script was perfect. It had worked. I saved it. Opened the project on the other day and it didn’t work :frowning: It had happened before but I just restarted the engine and it was fixed but this time this don’t do anything. Please help!!!

There’s nothing anyone can do with this amount of information. You need to do some step by step debugging. Use breakpoints, Print String nodes and the debug filter to observe data flows.

I think I know what you mean.

The signature of the struct changes (because you’ve applied changes to the struct) and the currently plugged one becomes invalid. This is quite common with structs. Unfortunately there’s little you can do about this.

This becomes quite problematic if you have 100 of these unplugging because of the changes to the struct. One way to work around it, is to:

  • save all
  • make changes to the struct
  • save just struct
  • quit the editor but skip saving any blueprints that referenced the struct
  • it should work fine after restarting

Also, you right click the struct to Find References and then click the binoculars icon on the very right (bottom) to see where this struct was used and manually recompile the blueprints showing errors.

Oh thanks, I researched every function and an array get(copy) is keeping to unplug automatic when I change something in the slot structure(it affects “slot contents”).

Do you know why is it happening?