Why method SetPhysicsAsset() is not working?

I try to apply PhysicsAsset to the SkeletalMesh through the code. If I put log inside if statement I see that it goes here and the method is calling but it’s not working, PhysicsAsset is not setting when I put my actor on a map.

static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UPhysicsAsset> physicasset(TEXT("/Game/test_PhysicsAsset"));
if (physicasset.Succeeded())

Try right clicking on your physical asset in editor and click copy reference. Then paste that path in the objectfinder instead of the one you wrote.
Another thing you can try is saving the physical asset in a variable in the constructor and then set the mesh physical asset to that variable in the OnConstruction method (that is the C++ equivalent to the blueprints construction script)

The “problem” was with an order. UE4 want to first set PhysicsAsset and then SkeletalMesh.