Use cutscene as loading screen

Hello everyone, is it possible to use a cutscene instead of a “loading screen” to load a level? For example have an NPC talk to me while an area behind a closed door( not viewable to the player) loads.

If your cutscene is a movie then just replace the loading screen with it.
If your cutscene is real-time in-game then you have two options.

Using level streaming: this does not need much explanation as it’s pretty well documented.

Without level streaming: using async package loading to load you level while you play the cutscene.
For this you will need to write some code in C++. Using the LoadPackageAsync function you will be able to load your map without blocking the game thread.

Adding to the comment above, use this node called Async load asset in utilities, and select the level you want. The from the completed pin, use the open level node. You can have your cutscene playing or throw a splash screen on there while it loads.