HTML5 uploading to my website and customize the canvas

Hi. I am trying to achieve something that I wasn’t able to find anywhere else. I uploaded my HTML5 game sample to my server and it is working fine. My question is: I’d like to embed only my game canvas to my homepage and not the entire index.html page that hosts my game but I don’t seem to find a solution for that. Watching other tutorials I could see that you can embed other games using iframe. Would that work for me? If yes, how would the code be for that? Inspecting the page I can see that my game is wrapped in a div and inside a canvas. How can I reference this canvas in my homepage? Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you very much.

Since nobody helped me I had to find other aways to find my solution and I did so in case anybody wants to do exactly the same, here it goes: Yes, an iFrame solved my problem and I am even using wordpress. You will need this code:

<iframe id="the id of your canvas" width="give a width number" height="give a height number" src="here is where you put your http file source" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>