Unable to package game for shipping (distribution)


I’m trying to pack a game for android to publish it to Play Store, and when I select the ¨for distribution¨ option in the project settings, I get the following error

ERROR: cmd.exe failed with args /c "C:/NVPACK/apache-ant-1.8.2/bin/ant.bat" release -Djava.source=1.7 -Djava.target=1.7

I’ve already tried:

  • Generating the keystore in \Build\Android and setting it up in project settings
  • Updating proguard to the latest version
  • Making sure the environment variables are correct and the paths are correct inside android packaging settings
  • Installing all the build tools using \NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\tools\android.bat
  • Deleting the Intermediate, Saved, Build folders and generating the key again

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



it is a difficult problem because it does not allow uploading applications to the playstore

Okay, It seems I figured it out. Here’s what I did

  • Uninstall and reinstall codeworks (I had 1R5, updated to R7)
  • Run android.bat in NVPACK\tools\ and update the packages that had updates available, install the latest version of build tools
  • Delete the Intermediate, Saved folders and everything inside Build, except the keystore file (you could delete the entire folder and generate the key again)
  • Go to project settings and set up the Android, Packaging and Android SDK options