Making a character fall down instantly

I’m trying to make a character basically stick to the ground while walking around, so if he walks off a very steep cliff, he’s not supposed to ‘fly’ down but just stick to the ground and instantly appear at the bottom.

I’ve made a workaround solution where i basically launch the character with a high negative Z velocity on my input events, but I’m sure there’s a more sophisticated way of doing this.

You can perform a line trace down on the z axis and move your character so they are at the trace hit point.

You’ll need to set the capsule to be above the hit location so your character is not in the ground.

That sounds like it needs to be on some kind of tick as well, cant I just make him super heavy that he drops down like a rock? Setting the gravity scale to 1000 didnt seem to affect it though…

The weight will have no effect on the speed the character falls. Increased gravity could do it but it might mess with other things. The trace should be cheaper since it isn’t doing anything fancy with the physics, just checking for where the ground is.

Yep just do a Sweeping Trace and Set Location

You could do a line trace to detect how far the ground is when your falling and it get the cords and you could use a event tick tp so if it does detect some air below you it will tp but if on ground could make a boolean BisOnGround True

Another way is to set the character’s StepDown Height to vary large value! No extra programming required.