Can't build UE 4.20 from source code with Xcode 9.4

Hello, I’m iOS apps developer. I currently support for my team member in development using UE.

We want to deployment to in-house iOS app from macOS (Xcode) with already prepared certificate, keys and provisioning profile for Enterprise Distribution, because I can’t prepare a new certification anymore in our account.

I trying build UE 4.20.1 from source code with macOS 10.13.6 and Xcode 9.4.1.
(I referred to installation guide on GitHub.)

But build process is failed with following error.

Shell Script Invocation Error

Command (my environment path)/UnrealEngine/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac/
failed with exit code 5

Do you have any possible cause?
For reference, I’ll submit a log that is likely to be helpful. (link text)