Load Meshes During Play

Guys I want to load UStaticMesh during play.

static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UStaticMesh> GroundShape(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Shapes/Ground/ground_shape_2.ground_shape_2'"));

The above example is a good way but only avaliable during construction. I want to use such usage in BeginPlay().

Have you seen this topic? https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/4259/questionspawning-blueprint-static-mesh-tiles-from.html

Looks like exactly what you want.

Ok, I got it.
Then you may like this one [TUTORIAL] C++ - Runtime Async Load Modular Character (Intermediate) - Community Content, Tools and Tutorials - Unreal Engine Forums
Look at functions which load sceletal mesh components during runtime from database which has a collection of asset pointers. You could use this functionality for your static mesh I guess.

The example you have mentioned is how to add a mesh or BP into the scene. What I want is to load the StaticMesh into the memory not the scene. There is no Spawing issue. At the end I want to have an object like

UStaticMesh* GroundMesh = <<missing part>>

void AGround::BeginPlay()
UStaticMesh* GroundMesh = Cast(StaticLoadObject(UStaticMesh::StaticClass(), NULL, TEXT(“StaticMesh’/Game/Shapes/Ground/ground_shape_2.ground_shape_2’”)));


This is how I solved it based on the question :
