Whenever I shoot my grappling hook at an empty space it sends my player to a different location

Hi everyone, I’m making my first 2D game and I am really stumped on this one.

I am trying to implement a grappling hook that shoots out wherever my mouse is pointing, if the line trace encounters an object, a cable component fires out, attaches to the object and pulls the player to that direction.

Now the problem happens whenever I shoot my grappling hook while my mouse is on an empty space, instead of the cable just not showing up at all, it flings my player to -1.9 Z location regardless of where the player is, as seen on the screenshot. My BP is based on a grappling hook tutorial I found on yt and I’m just trying to make it work for my 2D game. Hope anyone can help.

Can this be the problem?


You always treat your grapplighook as attached.

Holy balls you got it! I missed connecting that to the branch, and now I did its working perfect now. Thank you very much!