Did I hit the max size of my DDC ?


Is there a size limit to the DDC ?

I’m compiling the Engine and my Game from C++ code.

I have a local DDC setup using UE-SharedDataCachePath=d:\DDC as decribed here: Derived Data Cache | Unreal Engine Documentation

Even if I do a -run=DerivedDataCache -fill, it seems it never gets tired of compiling textures when I run it. Building the Engine, building my project, or using the ‘fill’ parameter, I always end up having many lines resembling this output :

  [2018.08.07-01.57.51:851][  0]LogTexture: Display: Building textures: <some_texture> (AutoDXT, <some_size>)

Even when I play the game inside the editor, the process is frequently halted by the same output on textures being built on the fly.

I still have over 90 GB of disk space where my DDC is located. And I have no other way than wait over 15 minutes each time I run my app after each modification in my C++ code.

Help ?

There is a limit, yes for boot.ddc which is 512mb by default, then you can change the ini’s to allow up to 2gb.

My theory for this problem is in your custom gamemode/state/instance classes and perhaps in the singleton class - if you use any - they are probably referencing certain actors / contents at construct time, and so editor will consider them boot-time important contents and stuff them into this limited boot.ddc container, which easily runs out of space with 4k textures and all that.

It’s a theory, but just let me know if this turns out to be the case.

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