Get Acceleration node not working with custom character movement

Hey all! I am trying to make a system where your acceleration is lowered when you first start running, and after you get a certain velocity, acceleration is increased (Not sure if it works in this state)
The problem is, i’m using a custom character component, which does not work with the acceleration node even though It’s almost identical to the basic 3d pawn otherwise.

Or is it impossible?

To have a slow start up, or custom gravity… Well, This is what i get for using blueprints.

You probably need to get a reference to your movement component and pin it in there.

Yeah, probably. How would i do so? Using a cast node?

Okay, so cast does not work. It’s still not compatible. Would i have to make my own get acceleration node for it?

bump because i am impatient, but thanks for helping :slight_smile:

Yeah, This is annoying.

What is the type of your movement component?

It’s a “Custom Movement Component”, Inherited from C++, Introduced in custom pawn and non-scene component. Does that help?

You should be able to drag off the cast node and type “Set Max Acceleration” is should connect.

Apparently not, for some reason.

Looks like there is an assumption that it extends CharacterMovement but I’m not sure that’s the case. Or perhaps the pawn extends CharacterPawn but does not have CharacterMovement component?

Somehow, It just connected. No changes from previous versions, I just loaded it up one time and it was fixed. Very confused.