How to customize Struct property with TArray property?

I got my self this:

struct FARItemPickupCont
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "Data Asset")
		class UARItemsData* ItemData;

	UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, Category = "Asset Name")
		FString ItemDataName;

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "Items To Pick")
		TArray<int32> ItemsList;

	inline bool operator==(const FARItemPickupCont& Other) const
		return ItemData == Other.ItemData;
		: ItemsList()
		ItemData = nullptr;
		ItemDataName = FString("NoName");

struct FARItemPickerContainer
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "Items To Pick")
		TArray<FARItemPickupCont> ListOfItems;

		: ListOfItems()

Nothing special. Now I try to create custom editor widget for FARItemPickerContainer.
I have widget, and the presentation part work, even if it is not pretty. What really gives me searious hitches, is inserting new elements to:

TArray<FARItemPickupCont> ListOfItems;

So far I tried to do it this way:

FARItemPickupCont newItemCont;

UARItemsData* tempItem = Cast<UARItemsData>(PickedAsset.GetAsset());

if (tempItem)
	TArray<UObject*> OuterObjects;


	FARItemPickerContainer* itemCont = nullptr;
	UStructProperty* structProp = CastChecked<UStructProperty>(StructPropHandle->GetProperty());
	if (structProp)
		for (UObject* obj : OuterObjects)
		//	EditedObject = obj;
			itemCont = structProp->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<FARItemPickerContainer>(obj);
	if (itemCont)
		newItemCont.ItemData = tempItem;
		newItemCont.ItemDataName = tempItem->GetName();

Get pointer to edited property, cast it to my type of property, and try to insert elements manually. It somewhat worked, but when I edit actor placed on level, and add new element, then deselect that actor and select it again, everything becomes invalid. I can only assume, that in fact I have never changed property on actor, and that is why it is not saved automatically.

I started digging and found


Long story short I tried to do something like that to test it out:

TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandle> propArray = StructPropHandle->GetChildHandle("ListOfItems");

TSharedPtr<FPropertyHandleArray> propArrHand = StaticCastSharedPtr<FPropertyHandleArray>(propArray->AsArray());
FPropertyAccess::Result res = propArrHand->AddItem();
uint32 numElems = 0;

but even though res == Success, numElems is always zero, so I bet there is no elements added to the array.

Then, I just thought I can just as well, try to get pointer to iarray in my struct.

TArray<FARItemPickupCont>* lololo = nullptr;
for (UObject* obj : OuterObjects)
	lololo = tempAr->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<TArray<FARItemPickupCont>>(StructPropHandle->GetProperty());

But this happen:
UnrealType.h(344): Assertion failed: GetOuter()->IsA(UClass::StaticClass())

Now, I’m honestly out of ideas, of even when to start looking for solution in engine code. Any help is will be most valuable!

The problem lied, in completely different place, with pointers randomly becoming null, reference some trash in memory, circular reference, or just not referencing original object.

The main cause was SComboBox, which require either raw pointer or shared pointer. In both cases, pointer couldn’t be cleaned.

Either way I solved this problem using SComboButton and GraphSchema helpers. As a side note GraphSchema are very nice widgets, and could be useful outside of Editor, for games as well.