VShow function

It seems many people are using a function called VShow but i couldn’t find it in the API or documentation , even when i tried to use in in visual studio it told me there is no such thing , so what header file do i need to include to get the mentioned function ?

example: VShow(“Invalid IP! Expecting 4 parts separated by .”);

Are you sure the code you seen is UE4? VShow is not mentioned even once in engine source code (or else github search acting wierd). If it’s not in API reference it mean it’s not part of UE4 APIs or it’s a macro (like AddDynamic() in delegate binding)


VShow is my own function :slight_smile:

It is just a wrapper for ClientMessage, you could put my code below in your player controller C++ class!

It’s just my abbreviation for ClientMessage :slight_smile:

Useful for outputting info to your console log, which you open with ~, must easier than tabbing out to see the log, and less obstrusive than an on screen message.

//~~~ VShow ~~~
	FORCEINLINE void VShow(const TCHAR* Str)
	FORCEINLINE void VShow(const FString& Str)
	FORCEINLINE void VShow(const FString& Str, const FString& Str2)
		ClientMessage(Str + FString(" ") + Str2);
	FORCEINLINE void VShow(FString Str, const float& Value)
		Str += " ";
		Str += FString::SanitizeFloat(Value);
	FORCEINLINE void VShow(FString Str, const int32& Value)
		Str += " ";
		Str += FString::FromInt(Value);
	FORCEINLINE void VShow(FString Str, const uint32& Value)
		Str += " ";
		Str += FString::FromInt(Value);

PS: you could replace VShow with UE_LOG if you dont have access to the Player controller

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