Crashing Trying Save Game to Slot UE-62847

Recently i’m having issues when trying save the game to slot.
Seems be something related to SaveGame class and the Save Game to Slot function.
Does the SaveGame class accept all types of variables?
Currently i’m trying save an array of soft object references, and it’s crashing, but i already had the same crash with trying save map containers.

Heres a simple project with 2 classes that reproduces the crash:link text
The crash happens when the function Save Game to Slot is called. It works if you change the variable type to Object instead soft object. (but i need the soft object to be saved)

Update: Found the problem, the FArchive doesn’t support Soft Obj Ref serialization. Seems when Soft Obj Ref was implemented on engine it was not intended to be savable, now lets wait some result for the ticket: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-62847)
Update2: Received an answer that it will be fixed! :slight_smile:

Maybe this problem have something related to this other>


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sent my report there, thanks