Tightening up Blueprints

Hi All,

I have not long started my UE4 journey after switching from Unity (I might add that I wasn’t an expert within the Unity community, but I felt as though I was progressing quite quickly).
I’ve decided I want to give a real go at Blueprints before I start trying to move across to C++ from C# and wanted to get thoughts on how to simplify a specific process, so that I can continue to improve as I go along.
The system I’ve just finished creating is working very nicely, but I don’t feel as though it’s the best/neatest way to go about things (mostly due to the Event Tick being used, which seems to have the same rapport as a GOTO statement in any language), I digress - the system is essentially:

  • Run until no stamina (from decay)
  • Reduce to walking speed Recharge
    stamina when either forced to stop
    running or you stop
  • Rince and repeat.

(Sprinting is bound to the Left Control)
I have completed this method as follows:

Any comments/assistance/guidance would be fantastic.

Much Appreciated,


Edit: Apologies, the second screenshot is a bit shoddy and requires opening in a new tab

That looks like how I would do it, actually.

Tick isnt bad to use, but wgatever you do in it muat be do e quickly on the smallest number of simplest things possible, since it fires every frame (so 30 or 60 times a second on most non-VR projects).

Any time you have to update something every frame of gameplay, then it’s going to end up having the same performance impact as tick. just dont use any foreach loops on a getallactors array for example, in a tick

you can actually modify how often tick occurs too (so it doesnt have to be every frame). to change tick interval in a actor just select the class defaults button on the top bar then look for the actor tick section in the details panel.