Can't compile with CryptoPP


I’m trying to compile a project using CryptoPP on UE 4.20.1.
The problem is, my code seems ok but I get some errors from the Cryptopp includes:

1>g:\ue_4.20\engine\source\thirdparty\cryptopp\5.6.5\include\config.h(160): error C4668: ‘GNUC’ non d?fini(e) comme pr?processeur ou macro, remplacement par ‘0’ pour ‘#if/#elif

1>g:\ue_4.20\engine\source\thirdparty\cryptopp\5.6.5\include\config.h(276): error C4668: ‘CRYPTOPP_GCC_VERSION’ non d?fini(e) comme pr?processeur ou macro, remplacement par ‘0’ pour ‘#if/#elif

I tried to compile the CryptoPP lib from source, no warning/errors about it appeared, used it on another project and got no errors too, so is there a solution to include Cryptopp in a UE4 project?

I’m using the 5.6.5 version shipped with UE4.20.

Thank you,

I was the same.
I found this link and solved the problem.

I hope this helps.

That’s exactly what i needed, works like a charm now.
Thank you !

It works for me too,thanks!