How to read different parts of a text file

I can read and write to a text file but right now I can just do one number, that I uses to count how many levels the player has finished. Right now if the player bets a level and goes back to the hub level and plays the same level again they still get progress.

So I want to store Booleans for if the player has beaten a current level like

UndergroundLevel = 0

SkyLevel = 1

I need a way to save this and find it again. I need to find “SkyLevel” then only take the “1” to do the check or set it.


Here is the code I’m using to add to the number of levels completed

FString FileNameA = “level.txt”;

FString SaveTextA;

FFileHelper::LoadFileToString(SaveTextA, *(FPaths::GameDir() + FileNameA));


float adding = FCString::Atof(*SaveTextA);

adding += 1.0f;

FString SaveTextB = FString::SanitizeFloat(adding);

FString FileNameB = “level.txt”;

FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile(SaveTextB, *(FPaths::GameDir() + FileNameB));