Getting a specific object from array

So I’ve been trying to get the player pawn in a widget. However, I’ve had a lot of trouble with it. I’ve also tried using the “Get all actors of class” node, but that outputs an array, not an object. The problem is that I can’t find a node to get a specific actor from the array.
Can anyone help?
Also, the character is called “BP_Player” (not the most imaginative name, I guess).
Also, I’m pretty new to the software.

You need to loop thru array with for each node to find one you looking for, if you expect to find only one instance of actor of that class then just get array element of index 0 (first found).

If you know a little bit about UE4 framework you would know there a lot eisier to get player pawn, just get player controller and from player controller you can get pawn that controller posses, in case of widget it even easier as you can get widget owning player controller and then get pawn from there.

Get All Actors Of Class is quite heavy task and whould be used as last resort, there many other ways to get specific actors aspecially key once tied directly to UE4 gameplay framework

if its a single player game you can also just use the get player character node then use a cast.

ATM it’s singleplayer, but I may implement multiplayer features soon.

Also, can you send a screenshot or something? I don’t know which nodes to use, and Google isn’t helping.

which nodes in reference to which suggestion? both and i basically said which to use, in my example for instance use the get player character node and a cast node. the cast would be of the type of your character, so it would be “cast to (insert class name here)”. oh and using an array in this situation isnt a good way to go since its only easy to find something if you know what your looking for ala already have a reference. so i would go with either the get controller then get pawn example or the get player character. of course there are also many other ways as well depending on where the widget is created.

Ah nvm, got it sorted now.