Landscape Material Mobile = Checkered

Been stuck on this for weeks now.
I have been over the documents, so I know there is no longer the limit of 3 layers (I have also tried removing one to get it to show to no effect). I’ve played around with every setting I could find. Set the material to fully rough, and set all the textures to shared wrap…

Everything looks okay, if bit bland while in the desktop shaders.


Although I don’t like how the grass shows though everything. I tried just making them all weight blended since I would be happy with straight cut edges, but if any two are set to weight, whole landscape goes black.

All the files are 64x64 so they arent too big. And are a power of 2 and perfectly square.

I originally had Material functions here. But so often I was having to go to the MF and make small changes, weight for some rendering, then come back and wait for some rendering that I just moved it all into the Landscape layer to have handy. Straight Copy and paste and so it came out the same.

Yet when I load the mobile shaders. (I usually just pick the high end general one) all I get is:


The classic check-board failed to load things…

I have been stuck on this as i said for WEEKS, and I am bad about not moving forward on projects until I finish what I started (and I need some levels to start putting things in) So I haven’t done anything except play with this.
I presume as I get some weird results even just playing with them in desktop (like things going black if 2 textures are displayed in same quad) when I try to set them all to weighted, or alpha. That it must be something wrong with my set up or textures.


Removed the use material attribute and plugged everything into a copy/paste of the layer blend node

(so one plugged into roughness with each layers roughness map plugged into appropriate layer)

that fixed it.

What if you arent using layer blend nodes because I am using lerps?