Volumetric lightmap loses density under landscape

Hello, I’m currently trying to create a play area that is bellow the landscape, entrances made using the landscape masking. Most stuff seems to work fine, but when it comes to the volumetric lightmap most of the area loses the density, as if there is no geometry there (I would post images if the project was public at this point but it’s not).

Using a LightmassCharacterIndirectDetailVolume seems to have absolutely no effect on changing this.

Is there any way around this problem that you have found or is there a fix coming in the future?

Alright, a teammate of mine found the answer, by default the volumetric lighting assumes anything under the landscape can be disregarded and doesn’t give it density.
What you have to do is go into baselightmass.ini and set bCullBricksBelowLandscape to false and and that solves it. There seemingly is no clear documentation on this.