Light function - projected image offset

I have a light with a light function material, that’s basically having the light project an image.

My issue is - the light is tiling the image when it’s projecting it, and it’s offset from the center of the light - basically by half. This is shown in #1 in the image…

If I move the light, I can sort of line up the projection, but then the lighting is off… shown in #2 in the image

In texture parameters set x and y adress to Clamp - this will remove tiling.

In light function material add TextureCoordinate node to texture, and add vector2 (0.5, 0.5) to it - this will make texture offset.

Awesome, that basically solves my biggest issue - with the texture clamping.

I’m not 100% sure how to add a vector to the TextureCoordinate node because there are no inputs in it, but that’s likely my ignorance in play…

Sorry - I know how to create the vector node, but I mean, the textureCoordinate node itself doesn’t have any inputs - how do I connect the vector to it?

Or am I to be connecting the vector2 somewhere other than the textureCoordinate node?

Press 2 on keyboard and click in material editor - this will create vector2 parameter. then add it to texturecoordinate with (-0.5, -0.5), or subtract with (0.5, 0.5)

or create simple scalar (float) and add it. it will work also.

Simply use Add node

I’ll figure something out

Thanks for the help!