How to implement jutsu (from naruto)

I apologize for possible errors.
How to implement jutsu from naruto? when certain seals were folded, a certain technique was made.
Key “Shift” - transition to the state for folding seals
Key “W” - 1 seals
Key “A” - 2 seals
Key “S” - 3 seals
Key “D” - 4 seals
the combination 112 makes the technique 1, 221 does the technique 2 and so on.

This might be super easy to understand for someone who knows what jutsu is and has seen at least 1 episode of Naruto.

I have not and it’s truly confusing! :slight_smile:

To me it’s sounds like you want to assemble a sequential puzzle? So pressing the correct key sequence produces an effect, right? This would be similar to a special move in a fighting game?

Well, something like that.I want to make it look like [naruto naiteki kensei][1].


Create Input:


Create a Map:


Here’s the script reacting to a key sequence:

It reads pressed keys and accumulates their values in a string. It then looks for a matching string in the Map. If found, it executes; if the search exceeds 4 keys, it resets the whole thing and waits for 1s before it can be used again. Seems to work well.

Thank you so much!!!
I want to make the WSA variant, but as soon as the WS is received, it does not want to accept WSA

Yeah, this is a very simple setup that does not account for the time that passes between keypresses. That would complicate things a bit.

edited: You would need a slightly different approach where you monitor the time elapsed. Check every .2s (tweak it) if no key is following WS > Execute. If another key was pressed, reset the timer.

how to do it?

Like this:

This adds 0.5s delay, if another key is pressed, it gets reset. I did not test it thoroughly but it should work.

Thank you very much)

And how to remove this delay for animation?

Not sure if I follow. Once the correct sequence is punched in and no key follows during the Delay, the trigger executes immediately. You either wait for the next key or you do not. You need to give the player some time to enter the sequence.

There is one alternative you could try. You could include another button to execute the combo immediately.

Combo sequence > Combo button

In this case no delay would be necessary since the player would execute the punched in sequence with another button.

I can not assign technology keys

I do not understand what this means. :expressionless: What did you decide to do?

If I get “tech1”, then the character does a certain action

Ah, this. Switch on String seems the easiest. You need to rename the pins to match the actions.

edit: if it’s for something that simple, you probably do not even need a map, this should do it:

Although the map is useful as you can store animations there for example, or a DataTable entry that fetches the struct with the animation, sound, dialogue and whatnot.

Good luck with the rest.

Does anyone know were I can get Jutsu animations?

Does anyone know were I can get Jutsu animations?