Package error: MetaData::SetValue


When I try to package I get this error:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogMetaData: Error: MetaData::SetValue called before meta data is completely loaded. /Game/MyGameModule/MyGameModule.PackageMetaData’

Can smeone help me understand how to solve this ?



i’m experiencing the same issue in version 4.22. Did you solve the problem?

I finally solved it!!! For everyone who runs into this problem:

I have a member in my custom class deriving from AActor like this:

// The level music
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = “Audio”)
class USoundCue* levelMusicCue;

In the constructor i created the object like this:

// Create the level music audio cues
levelMusicCue = CreateDefaultSubobject(“LevelMusic_Cue”);

In the editor i derived a blueprint from my class but without setting the sound cue inside the blueprint. Now when the blueprint gets placed into a level (thus creating an archetype if im not mistaken) the error gets triggered. Setting a sound cue inside the archetype fixed the problem.

Good look!