How to get many actor locations in material?

I was wondering if there was a way to get the location every instance of a specific actor and use this info in a dynamic material
I am trying to find a way of quickly creating 100+ spheremasks in a a PP material to make fake shadows

Thanks for any help

Dynamic arrays are supported only in dx12. However it is not a “quick” way.

You should write locations to a texture/render target to get that large data into the shader.

Thanks for the response I appreciate the help
But If I am understanding that right- you think I should manually write RGB for texture coords, which I could do, but it would end up being very tedious and time consuming- which I was trying to avoid with blueprints

No, @Deathrey mean that you should write a code, that will write required actors positions into RenderTarget texture, and read it in material.

Oh I see I’ll look into that then