How can I cancel an event (Spawn Actor)

I am trying to simulate a bow by spawning a projectile only when I am releasing the left click. (like charging something)
Is working somehow, but I want to force increasing the time between press and release to let animation happening, or something like that.
Another thing to consider is that my Animation Blueprint for firing the bow only works if the click is pressed, so if I delete Set FirePressed and let just the Released one , my animation will not work!
So here is my BP:

so if im understanding you correctly you are just looking to stop the player from firing the arrow until the animation has played (box fully drawn for example), in essence force a delay if less than the time it takes to play the animation. thats actually exactly what you could do, force a delay. as you will see in the below picture you can easily get how long the button has been pressed then if its less time than the anim you just set a delay for the difference in time. in the example i used 3 seconds for the anim time but you would set that to however long the anim is.

Thank you so much for your answer. I’ve tried but it’s not working. So without my bool variable Fire Pressed my animation isn’t working, so is mandatory to specify the bool variable. My animation work like that → if FirePressed (bool) is thicked another bool variable IsFiring start the animation in state machine.

I made a simple trick adding a new button for animation and another for spawning the actor. Now if you can help me, tell me how or where should I put a Delay node to stop me fire arrow after arrow?

trick? i cant understand what your attempting to say for the most part.

in response to your other comment i wasnt saying that you had to abandon your setup using bools i just didnt include that part in the example. what i showed in the example would be inserted after your current bool.