Camera janky during teleportation

I’m trying to create an infinite hallway type effect and teleport the player when there’s enough distance between the anchor. Sometimes, randomly, the camera will be all blurry during the teleport while other times it works flawlessly.

Here’s the frame right when I teleport the player

And this is the next frame (by now the player has already teleported back)

I’m using this blueprint to teleport the player when there’s enough distance (I’ve tried different types of moving the player, but this always happens, so the blueprint probably isn’t the problem).

Are you doing this by using a “portal” to connect the two ends of the hallway? This technique involves using a render target to show the other side of the portal before you walk through it. The texture of the render portal may be blurring due to certain settings like how the texture streams or mipmaps or something. Sorry I don’t know the exact thing, but I suspect it has to do with the material or texture settings on that render target stuff. Also maybe check against motion blur if the problem is happening during the teleport (not when you’re walking up to the portal but as you’re going through it).