Get Text Block?

I was wondering what get’s attached

to Get Current Text Block object. I’m missing object. These is confusing. Help.

Here is another Get Text block way but still getting errors. Not sure which way to connect them or am I missing something.?! I Simply need to save the Score Text. alt text

The answer is “You need to obtain the widget reference from the blueprint that is storing it” - but that does not help you, right?

All your posts revolve around the very same topic - object oriented blueprint communications. I actually know how it feels to spend days hammering at something with little understanding because that one vital element is missing. We’ve all been there. It’s like skipping a week of math classes and then wondering how the hell all of it works.

I’ve given you a full working example of saving variables, others did their best to guide you, too. There are plenty tutorials about it as well. None of them will work for you unless you actively put your project aside for 3h, create a blank one, study communications, apply it in practice and wrap your own mind around it. Spend those 3h now and save 3 days of hair-pulling this week.

Once you can do this in a clean project:

  • spawn a new object the game mode
  • create a widget in this object
  • put a different object in the level
  • click on that object in the level and read the data from the widget the game mode’s actor created

Go back to your own project and apply it there. Only then (!) try to save data. At the moment, you’re just walking in circles :expressionless: Also, do note that the direct comms you’re struggling with is the easiest form of communications. There are also dispatchers and interfaces. In order to use them, you definitely need to know the direct method; without it, your project can’t grow in complexity.

tl;dr - in order to obtain widget reference, you need to get access to the object that created the widget (see? more comms!) and fetch the stored reference.

Yes thank you. The problem was just not able to int + int a integer inside Game Save. All though I have 3 games already on Google Play these just pushed me over the bridge. So I end up beating around the bush with different question. What was funny that tutorial I been looking for had the same set up with int + int going inside Game Save and it works fine. So I don’t know what in the God’s name was the problem with that I know it was something small I just could’t see it. Thank you for your time and input. I am learning a lot from your… Thank you!!!