Best way for clients to give AI controlled pawns commands?

I’m building an RTS game in which the PlayerController is responsible for nothing more than camera movement and relaying input commands to the player’s units (ACharacters controlled by AAIControllers). The system I initially envisioned was to have the client PlayerControllers store references to the Characters, which would then give access to the AIControllers. I tried setting up the spawning and reference storing like this:

void ABasePlayerController::BeginPlay()
    OwnedCharacters.Add(GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ABaseCharacter>(/* Spawn params */);
    if (OwnedCharacters[0]) // OwnedCharacters is a TArray of all of the player's units
	    CurrentCharacter = OwnedCharacters[0]; // CurrentCharacter is the currently selected character

While this works fine for singleplayer and the server, OwnedCharacters and CurrentCharacter are NULL for clients. I feel like this is a fairly simple replication problem, but I’m new to the replication system in UE4. What can I do to get a reference of the characters and their controllers to clients? Or should I be going about this in a different way? Thanks!