Leaderboard not work with GamePlay

greets all.
I want to use [LeaderBoard][1] in my project.But the “ReadLeaderBoard” note dose not work.
The problem that has been bothering me for days.


1 . “ReadLeaderBoard” always return “OnFailure”.


2 . “WriteLeaderBoardInteger” always return “true”.

3 . “ShowLeaderBowardUI” always show the View that with Empty rankings.

I have enabled “Google Play Game Services API” and others.
I have seted “Advanced APKPackaging” in Project Settings .
InAppPurchase and Achievements can worked.

but there are some errors in Google API Console. I don’t understand why it fails.

I am very grateful for your help and support.thanks.

Got the same problem as you. In my case my Score text goes invisible once on Google Play but works good in Editor. The leaderboard shows up ok without scores. Everything else in app purchases ad banner works good. Do you have any idea why score text doesn’t show up. Thank you.

I have not encountered such a situation. check the text format, character may help you.

You mean it could be a character encoding problem?